Missing bike paths and other information in the map
If bike paths or bike lanes are not visible on the map or the routing does not seem to follow paths for cycling this may be because of missing data in OpenStreetMap.
OpenStreetMap (OSM), the publicly accessible "Wikipedia of maps", is the main data source of Bikemap. The principle of OSM is to use "swarm intelligence" to collectively create a complete and up-to-date geo database.
If you find erroneous data or missing information in the map material of Bikemap, these errors must first be corrected on OpenStreetMap. As soon as the correction is approved at OSM the data will be available at Bikemap after the next update (this can take a few weeks).
You are welcome to get in contact with us at any time if you notice any errors. We will check the mentioned places and make changes if necessary. Alternatively, you can also contribute to the improvement of Bikemap yourself and edit routes directly at OSM.
Registration at OSM is free of charge and we invite everyone interested to get to know OSM better at wiki.openstreetmap.org, in order to possibly contribute to the precise mapping of areas in OSM.
At the moment we are working on the future of cycling maps! You can add live community reports to Bikemap, which will be shared in real time with the whole Bikemap community. Community reports could be a damaged or impassable roadway, a police checkpoint or similar. With one click these events can be created and shared.
You can find more about this here: Community reports