Requesting a refund
If you are not satisfied with your Premium purchase, you may cancel your subscription and ask for a refund within 14 days of the transaction. Please get in touch with us by submitting a request to our support team.
The information we need to process your request depends on how and where you initially purchased your subscription:
If you purchased your Premium subscription via the Bikemap website:
- Please tell us the email address you used to purchase your Premium subscription. We need it to identify the transaction.
- If we can grant you a refund, it may take up to 5-10 days for the money to arrive in your bank account.
Android app
If you purchased your Premium subscription via the Google Play Store:
- Send us the GPA number (order number) of your purchase. We need this number to be able to carry out the refund. You can find it on the receipt of your Premium purchase which you received via email or in your Play Store profile.
- The refund will arrive in the account that is connected to your Play Store account after a couple of days.
iOS app
If you purchased your Premium subscription via the Apple App Store:
- We unfortunately cannot give you a refund, since the payment is handled by Apple and we do not have access to the transaction.
- Please refer to the App Store support to request a refund. You can find more information on how to request a refund from Apple here.