I can't access any Premium features
Have you bought a Premium subscription, but can’t access the Premium features when you log in? There are several potential reasons for this:
Logged in with a non-Premium account
Some users have more than one Bikemap account without realising. Since the use of all Premium functions is connected to the account that was used to purchase the Premium subscription, please always make sure to log in with the account you subscribed to Premium with.
If you originally signed up via a social login (Apple, Facebook or Google), you should login by pressing the respective social logo. If you would like to login using an email and password combination instead, you should either set a password (In your profile settings on bikemap.net) or break the social media connection.
If you still can't work out what your Premium login is, please contact our support team.
Not logged in to an account at all
You should ensure that you are actually logged in to your account and are not just in the default guest account. When first opening the app or after having signed out of your account, you are given a default guest account with the name 'bikemapuser1234...'. In this mode you can still explore the app and create routes etc, but the account will not be linked to any email or social login (If you change your smartphone at a later date, you will no longer have access to the data on the old guest account.)
To make sure you are not in this mode and are logged in to your actual Premium account, go to the profile tab and press "Log in". Then you can login to your Premium account again.
Purchase issues
Sometimes you may not have access to your paid subscription because of a technical issue on our end. If you think this is the case, please get in touch with our support team and we will sort it out for you ASAP. When you get in contact, please send us confirmation of your Premium purchase (screenshot from the confirmation email, from your Premium subscription in the App Store/Play Store or an invoice you have received from us) and also let us know which email address(es) you use for Bikemap. We will be happy to help you.