SharePlay Group Rides (iOS)
By using the SharePlay function with Bikemap, iOS users have the possibility to share their location with others during a ride. With a FaceTime call, a group ride can be started with other Bikemap users.
SharePlay is not a Premium feature and is available in the free version of the iOS Bikemap app.
To use the SharePlay function in the Bikemap app, these requirements must be met:
- Bikemap 18.1.0 or later is installed on your device.
- You are logged in with your Bikemap account.
- iOS 15.1 or later is installed on your device.
- FaceTime is installed on your device.
How to use the SharePlay feature
- Open the Bikemap app and start recording via the Bike Computer.
- Expand the bike computer in order to see the SharePlay icon
at the bottom.
- Tap the icon (and confirm the Apple notification that might pop up).
- The FaceTime interface will be displayed.
Here you can enter one or more contacts. They need to be available and meet the requirements mentioned above. You can see if it will work when the FaceTime button turns green. Otherwise it remains grey and cannot be tapped. - Tap the FaceTime button to start the SharePlay session with your call.
- After the participants have accepted the call, you will be taken back to Bikemap.
- Finish the process by tapping "Join SharePlay".
Now the SharePlay interface will be displayed as a part of the Bike Computer.
Here is what you will see there:
- Each participant's distance from your location is shown to the right of their profile picture.
- In the middle panel you can see the distance that you and the other participants have cycled.
- To the right you can see their and your current speed.
- All of the participant's locations are shown on the map.
Here is how the feature works:
- Tapping on "Focus" zooms out the map so that you can see all participants at once.
- By tapping on the back arrow icon, you can return to the Bike Computer. You can return to the group ride at any time by tapping the SharePlay button.
- To hide the FaceTime window, just tap and hold the small call window and drag it to either side of the screen.
- To end the FaceTime call, tap the notification at the top and close the call there. Ending the recording via the Bike Computer works as well.
- It is possible to start a navigation during a SharePlay group ride.